Black Rock By-Laws & Tournament Rules

Black Rock By-Laws (2024)

2024 By-Laws
2024 By-Laws Updated
BLack Rock Bass Busters - BY-LAWS 2024 F
Microsoft Word Document 54.5 KB









            This corporation shall be called the “BLACK ROCK BASS BUSTERS. INC.”



a.       To stimulate public awareness of bass fishing as a major sport.

b.      To offer the State Department of Environmental Conservation our organized support and encouragement.

c.       To promote full adherence to all conservation codes and to aid in the formulation of sound polices and practices designed to conserve, restore and protect the natural resources of the State.

d.      To detect and report any polluter and call public attention to the offense.

e.       To improve our skill as bass anglers through a friendly exchange of expert bass catching techniques and ideas.

f.        To promote and encourage youth fishing and a love of the sport of fishing.

g.      To embrace the principles and purpose of the Bass Anglers Sportsman Society (“BA.S.S.”) and to function as a dynamic and effective link with other members of the State B.A.S.S. Chapter Federation.



            Regular meetings will be held at 7:30PM on the second Thursday of each calendar month at American Legion New Windsor Post 1796, 29 Walnut        Avenue, New Windsor, NY 12553, (845) 561-9847.





            The general membership will be limited to 40 members.



a.       A member must be at least 16 years if age.

b.      A prospective member must be sponsored by a member at a regular monthly meeting. However, no member may sponsor more than one prospective member during any calendar year.

c.       The prospective member must express a genuine interest in participating in all club functions.

d.      The prospective member will be granted conditional membership upon receiving affirmative votes by at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the members present at a regular monthly meeting. The conditional member will be awarded full membership after participation in two organization functions, one of which must include fishing with a member other than the sponsor. Boaters will fish with a Non-Boater and Non-Boaters will fish with a Boater.

e.       All members are mandated to join B.A.S.S.



The organization will consist of two-member categories – “boaters” and “non-boaters”. Membership composition cannot exceed 40% non-boaters. A boater will be defined as an individual who owns and operates a boat and equipment at Black Rock Bass Busters, Inc. tournaments, which meet the minimum requirements (Ref. Black Rock Bass Busters Inc. Tournament Rules). Prospective non-boaters who are ineligible for membership due 40% rule, stated above, will be placed on a prospective members list. Prospective members will be considered for membership based on chronological order.  The prospective members list will include the persons name, address, telephone number, date placed on the list. Once eligible for membership, a prospective member must be ready and able to join at that time. If the prospective member declines membership at that time, he will be dropped from the prospective members list and must reapply for membership. Prospective members may accompany a lone boater during club tournaments for purposes of practice and to meet other requirements.  The non-member will be required to pay the $25.00 Tournament fee and be eligible for all Tournament prizes.  However, they would not be added to the Overall Standings till they become a member.  The tournaments prior to becoming a member will not count.  Only the tournaments after the date he is officially a member.




a.       The fiscal year for the corporation is the calendar year commencing January 1 and ending December 31.

b.      Membership dues ($125.00) cover the calendar year and must be paid by the January's meeting.

c.       Dues will not be pro-rated.





a.      PRESIDENT:

Preside over all meeting and direct all official business. Supervise all corporate functions. Appoint members to the following positions:

Annual Dinner Chairperson

Board of Directors

Communications (Publicity) Chairperson

Conservation Chairperson

Membership Chairperson

Newsletter Chairperson

Nominating Committee

Prize Committee

Program Chairperson

Safety Officer

State Federation Chairperson

Tournament Committee Chairperson

Youth Committee Chairperson

b.      VICE PRESIDENT:   Act as program chairperson. Assist the president in the duties and in the absence of the president, preside at regular and special meetings.

c.       SECRETARY:  Maintain accurate minutes of all regular meetings called by the president.

d.      TREASURER: He (or she) must prepare an annual audit for review by the Board of Directors. Collect and disburse all moneys. Maintain accurate financial records and present a current balance report at each regular meeting.



The Board of Directors will consist of six members: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and two members appointed by the President, The President will not vote unless required to break a tie vote.

a.       The President will call and chair the meetings.

b.      The Secretary will record the minutes of these meetings.

c.       The Board of Directors will hear all formal protest and rule on all violations of the corporate by-laws.

d.      The Board will develop an agenda for the monthly meetings.



            The election of officers shall be held annually at the November meeting. The President will appoint a nominating committee at the October meeting. This committee will bring to the membership a slate of new officers. Elections shall be      by a simple majority vote of the members present.



            Each official member of Black Rock Bass Busters, Inc. is entitled to one vote.  Proxy votes are not permitted.



            The term of each office is one year beginning and ending at the November meeting. The changing of officers will take place at the November meeting.



            In the event an office becomes vacant during the year, nominations will be taken   from the floor. An election will be held at the same meeting to fill the unexpired          term of the vacant office. National B.A.S.S. headquarters shall be notified immediately of the change of any officer.



            To be eligible for an office you must:

a.       Have been a member for at least one calendar year.

b.      Have attended at least 50% of the regular meeting s and participated in at least 50% of scheduled tournaments. Have shown an active interest in all of the organization’s functions.




The terms served by the committee members will coincide with that of the President.

a.       ANNUAL DINNER CHAIRPERSON - This person will find an appropriate place to hold our annual award dinner in January or February. He will bring this information to the membership for approval.

b.  COMMUNICATION (PUBLICITY) CHAIRMAN - This person will insure that our club activities are seen in as many publications and heard on as many radio stations as possible.

c.   CONSERVATION CHAIRPERSON - The purpose of this person shall be to aid in the protection of our environment and natural resources. To document and report to the proper authorities’ violations of local, state, and federal anti-pollution laws, statutes, regulations, ordinances and other regulatory devices. To take political action to improve our environment. To take legal action where appropriate. To undertake informational and education programs, to bring public awareness to threats to our environment, to take a leadership role in repairing the harm that has already been done to the life-giving waters of America.

d.  MEMBERSHIP CHAIRPERSON - This person will interview all prospective members who attend a regular meeting and have them fill out a membership form. Prepare and maintain the prospective members list. Introduce new members and see that they       receive the by-laws and tournament schedule. Take care of the correspondence between National B.A.S.S. Federation and Black Rock Bass Busters, Inc.

e.  NEWSLETTER CHAIRPERSON - This person shall write the monthly newsletter. Ask for input or news from the membership. Write articles pertinent to bass fishing. All members are welcome to submit articles.

f.  NOMINATING COMMITTEE - This committee will be appointed by the President at the October meeting.          They will put together a slate of officers together for a vote by the general membership in November.

g.  PRIZE COMMITTEE - This committee will be appointed by the President to solicit prizes and donations for youth functions. They will help identify prospective donors and prepare and send correspondence to these prospective donors.

h.  PROGRAM CHAIRPERSON - The Vice President is the program chairperson. He will bring programs to our club meeting to help our club keep up on modern bass techniques.

i.  SAFETY OFFICER - This person will make sure our boats and other equipment are safe to use in our fishing tournaments and keep the       club up to date on all safety standards set by the Coast Guard.

j.  STATE FEDERATION CHAIRPERSON - This person will attend meetings of the New York State Bass Federation and bring back any information to our club. Be a liaison officer between our organization and the New York State Bass Federation. Work with our six-man team for the annual State fishing tournament.

k.  TOURNAMENT COMMITTTEE CHAIRPERSON - This person is appointed by the President at the November meeting and serves for (1) full calendar year. The tournament chairperson then selects members to serve on his committee. They will plan, organize and set up     all club tournaments no later than February meeting of each year. This          tournament schedule will consist of 12 tournaments a year and will not conflict with any New York State B.A.S.S. Chapter Federation tournament or fall on any holiday weekend. If any Black Rock Bass Busters, Inc. member makes it to the National B.A.S.S. Federation tournament either divisional or national; the tournament director will try to avoid scheduling conflicts for that tournament date. The tournament schedule will then be communicated and presented to the general membership, without vote, and implemented as the in-place schedule during the February meeting. A maximum of 10 tournaments will count with a maximum of 2 tournaments dropped if all 12 tournaments are fished. The drop tournaments are in             place to accommodate any personal scheduling conflicts. The tournament committee is responsible for deciphering and enforcing the tournament rules. If changes are deemed necessary, they will author a draft and present to the general membership to be voted on for approval. The chairperson will keep records and be the final decision-maker on enforcement for all tournament rules, determine the winners of each tournament, and distribute prizes at each monthly meeting when needed. This chairperson will work with the dinner chairperson for the annual dinner and be the Master of Ceremony.

l.  YOUTH COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON - This person shall be appointed by the President. The youth chairperson will then select   members to serve on his committee. The purpose of this committee shall be to plan the annual Bob McCue Youth Day at Ring’s Pond in Cornwall. The idea of this day is to: expose our youth to their national heritage; teach them respect and appreciate the basic rules of honesty, integrity, fair play and good sportsmanship; give our youth an introduction to the joys of fishing. No alcoholic beverages are allowed at youth day activities.




            A member may be dropped from the membership roles for the following reasons:

a.       Failure to pay their dues or assessments by the March meeting.

b.      Any action, which would reflect, dishonor or disgrace upon Black Rock Bass Busters, Inc., or a display of poor sportsmanship in our organization.

c.       Failure to be present at 50% of regular monthly meetings and 50% of the scheduled tournaments for Black Rock Bass Busters, Inc. A determination of who will be dropped from the membership will be made by a majority vote at the January meeting.




            Black Rock Bass Busters, Inc. will be a Chapter of and maintain its affiliation       with B.A.S.S. Requirements are as follows:

a.       The approval of our by-laws by B.A.S.S.

b.      The updating of B.A.S.S. of out membership roster once each year immediately following elections of Officers and Directors.

c.       The names and addresses of new members who join Black Rock Bass Busters, Inc. during the year must be submitted to B.A.S.S. as they occur. The forms are included in the B.A.S.S. Chapter Handbook.

d.      Maintain 80% B.A.S.S. membership.

e.       Support State Federation conservation and youth programs.

f.        To do additional requirements that the State Federation establishes for chapters, example – membership dues to the state, attendance to state meetings by a club member, joining the National Federation. This is necessary in order for the Chapter to participate in the State Federation qualifying tournaments(s), and other Federation sponsored tournaments or events.



a.       To follow and adhere to the by-laws of Black Rock Bass Busters, Inc.

b.      To follow and adhere to the tournament rules of Black Rock Bass Busters, Inc., NYS B.A.S.S. Chapter Federation, and Bass Anglers Sportsman Society.

c.       To be courteous and understanding to all members.

d.      Pay attention and not be disruptive during Black Rock Bass Busters, Inc. functions.

e.       To aid fellow members who may have boating difficulties on the water during tournaments.

f.        To aid other boat owners getting in and out of the water.

g.      Not to use WD-40 for a fish formula.

h.      Help other members to become better fishermen.

i.        Make an effort to participate in non-tournament functions of Black Rock Bass Busters, Inc.


The Corporate By-laws and the Tournament Rules may be amended only by a fifty-one percent (51%) or greater vote of the entire membership. The proposal must be provided in written form one month prior to the vote so all members have time to read and understand its meaning. It must be passed by at least a 51% vote of the entire membership; the new proposal will become part of an addendum to our Corporate By-laws and/or Tournament Rules. The Secretary will type and pass out a copy to all members to be added to their copy of the By-laws and/or Tournament Rules.






            We, the undersigned officers do hereby adopt the foregoing by-laws of the Black Rock Bass Busters, Inc. on this ______13th__________day of _December ,2024.

PRESIDENT: Brian S. Smallhorn














SECRETARY: John Duczeminski






TREASURER: Billy Carlstrom






a.  Honorary members shall:

1.      Pay no dues.

2.      Have no voting rights.

3.      Not entitled to fish regular tournaments.

4.      Be entitled to attend club functions, such as Casting Kids, Kids Fishing Derby, Awards Dinner as a member.

5.      Be voted on by a majority of the members at the meeting when proposed.

b.   Life members shall:

1.      Be at least 65 years of age or reach such age during current calendar year and have at least 5 continuous years of membership OR have 15 continuous years of membership.

2.      Shall not be included as part of the regular membership number (40).

3.      Shall not be eligible for the 6-man team.

4.      Pay no dues.

5.      Have voting rights.

6.      Be entitled to fish regular tournaments if slot available (established prior to tournament draw). All tournament fees and payouts apply.

7.      Be eligible for “Lunker of the Year” and “Tournament Win” prizes.

8.      Not be included in the club tournament standings. There will be a separate list for Life Members.

9.      Be entitled to attend club functions, such as Casting Kids, Kids Fishing Derby, Awards Dinner as a member.

10.  Must apply to the Membership Secretary (Chairman) for life status in writing. This is not automatic.



NOTE: Items in italics are updates of the original By-laws.




Black Rock Tournament Rules (December  2024)

2024 Blackrock Tournament Rules Final Web Version
Black Rock Tournament Rules Final Web Ve
Microsoft Word Document 61.0 KB

Black Rock Tournament Rules



A. Contestants MAY NOT practice on the Tournament Lake the day of the tournament.  All regularly scheduled club sponsored tournaments (12) can only have anglers that belong to the club as members or if they are eligible and have filed paperwork to join the club.  In other words, no guests can fish club tournaments. 


A. All club members must follow all US Coast Guard Rules and Regulations for safe boating. 1.  Safe boating conduct must always be observed. Each boater must have a small first AID Kit on his boat. 2.  Please report any boat breakdowns to the Tournament Director when you come in for the weigh-in. 3. Any new members and any existing members who wish to use their boat in tournaments as a boater must show proof of taking and completion of the US Coast Guard or Power Squadron Certification course.  While it is not mandatory for non-boaters to take the course, it is highly recommended.  Until the course is completed all members may fish as a non-boater.

B. Each contestant is required to wear a coast guard approved chest-like life preserver at any time the combustion engine is in operation.    

C. There will be no "blast-off ", but there will be a "trickle-off" at the Tournament Director's discretion.   

D. It will be understood that regarding the safety, health, and well being of the Black Rock Bassbusters, Inc., individuals will be held responsible for their own actions. The consumption of alcohol at the tournament site during the tournament hours is prohibited. The use of illegal non-prescription drugs is prohibited. Those found to be in violation of same will be brought before the Board of Directors of the Black Rock Bassbusters, Inc. for disciplinary action. This is in accordance with Article 5, Section b. of the by-laws, which states: "Removal from Membership – any action, which would reflect, dishonor or disgrace upon Black Rock Bassbusters, Inc."   

E. It will be understood that the safety of each participant during a tournament will be in the hands of both the boat owner and partner. All known speed limits and safe distances between boats will be observed. Also, if the weather turns bad where it will put life in jeopardy, then the boat owner and partner will decide if they should seek shelter on shore. The same will be true if the boat is unsafe. 

F. INSURANCE REQUIREMENT: During the official practice and competition days, no competitor may operate a boat unless that contestant has provided documented proof of a minimum of $300,000 per occurrence boating liability insurance covering the boat being used in the tournament. Proof of insurance must be kept in the boat being used and must cover the competitors using that boat. All Boaters must provide a copy of their Boat Insurance Policy showing at least $300,000 in Liability insurance to the Safety Director prior to March 30th each year to be allowed to enter their boat in a tournament.  Insurance must cover April 1st thru the last day of November to be eligible to fish in the tournaments.  If your insurance expires during the fishing season, you will be expected to provide a new copy of the policy to the Safety Director before fishing the next tournament.  Any competitor who cannot provide proof of valid insurance prior to the drawing of each tournament with a minimum of $300,000 of liability coverage will not be entered into the drawing and will not be eligible to fish.  If insurance is submitted after the drawing but prior to the tournament, the Tournament Director will do his best to place a non-boater with the boater and they will be put at the end of the launch position.  If they end up fishing alone due to no non-boater being available to fish, they will not get Lone Boater Status and will have to pay the tournament fee’s and be responsible for reading off the list of launching boats. 


G. If there is a safety event or issue with either a boat or an angler, the members effected should bring it to the attention of the Safety Officer, Tournament Director, Vice President and President the day of the event.  The Safety Officer will assess the issue and speak to those involved to gather information.  If the event or issue is severe enough or done with an intent to put any boater or non-boater in harm’s way the safety officer in conjunction with the Tournament Director, Vice President and President will meet and discuss whether immediate action needs to be taken to remove a boater from “boater eligible status” or if warranted dismissed from the club entirely. If this is the first offense the boater or non-boater will be warned by the safety Officer, Vice President and/or President of the offense.  If the offense is repeated, they could be removed from “Boater Eligible Status’ and/or removed from being a member of the club. Any removal or status change of a member is at the discretion of the Safety Officer in conjunction and agreement from the Club Officers with the President having the final decision if a tie needs to be broken.


A. Only artificial lures may be used. No live bait, earthworms or prepared baits will be permitted with the exception of pork strips or pork rinds.   

B. Only one rod and reel may be used at any one time. If one rod gets hung up, you may use a second rod until you have fished the area and cleared your snag.   


A. Each boat contestant wishing to compete must have a boat in good working order, based on the State Federation safety regulations. Each boat must be equipped with either a built-in aerated live well system or have on board a portable aerated live well with enough capacity to hold at least 10 bass. The Tournament Committee shall have sole responsibility for determining whether the aeration and capacity of the well(s) is proper and adequate.  Black Rock will require all Bass Boats to have a minimum (90HP) and no greater than 250HP motor size.

B. Trolling MAY NOT be used as a method of fishing.   

C. All fishing must be done from the boat and neither partner may leave the boat except in the case of an emergency. 

1)    If any angler needs to leave the boat at any time after tournament launch (I.E. Bathroom, lock entrance, etc) any angler left in the boat must not fish until their partner returns to the boat.

D. If a contestant must leave prior to the end of the designated fishing time, he must notify the Tournament Director and forfeit his catch and return it to the water. 

E. The first boat at a fishing location owns the location. No other contestants may fish within 25 yards of a stationary boat (does not have to be anchored). If a boat is working down a shoreline, no other boat may cut in front within 50 yards without asking and getting permission from the boater.

F.  In breakdown situations and with a tournament official’s permission, non-Boaters may transfer their boat’s (Boater and Non-Boater’s) fish to another competitor’s boat and ride to check in, and they may leave their Boater with the disabled boat. In such cases, the non-Boater must stay with their catches at all times and the assisting boat’s partners should verify the catch



A. All contestants wishing to fish a tournament must be present for the drawing of partners or send word with a club member that they intend to fish.   

B. Prior to the tournament draw, two bowls will be set up to house the names of boaters in one, and non-boaters in the other. The boat draw will continue with a boater name being drawn from the boater bowl and a name will be drawn from non-boater bowl and said names will be paired. The boater draw will be set up as follows:  A true lone boater can only be drawn a lone boater 2 times in one season.  Tournament Director will ensure a Lone Boater card is inserted in the drawing deck for random draws.

If we have more non-boaters than boaters, we will make eligible the non-boaters using the following methodology.  We will look back at the previous 12 tournaments to see how many tournaments have been fished.  The angler with the most tournaments fished in the last 12 tournaments will be given preference.   In the case of a tie we will use current year meetings attended as the tie breaker.  The angler who attended the most meetings will get entered into the draw.  If we have a cancelation before the tournament, the next angler using the same methodology will be notified of a spot on the boat until filled.  In the event that two non-boaters’ names must be drawn consecutively due to pairings ineligibility SEE RULE 5-C BELOW. If two boaters are drawn as partners, the first name drawn is the boater, and the second boater will be placed on the Drawn Non-Boater list.   

C. A member may not fish in a regular tournament with the same partner more than twice during the calendar year (once during the first half of the season and once during the second half of the season). If ineligible partners are drawn, the Tournament Director should be immediately notified of such. The non-boater's name will be set aside. The boater will then be paired with a new partner (the next eligible non-boater drawn) and the non-boater who was set aside will be paired with the next eligible boater drawn. 

D. The odd boater in the draw will fish alone. If a non-boater does not show for the start of the tournament, the boater may fish alone or join another lone boater.   Any boater fishing alone for any reason will be awarded the average weight of all non-boaters competing that day.  (FOR PRIZE MONEY PURPOSES ONLY).   

E. In the event a boater cannot attend a tournament; he MUST first contact the Tournament Director and then his partner. It will be understood that the non-boater will then not attend if he cannot be matched with another boater. If a non-boater shows up at a tournament because his partner has not notified him, he may be placed on a larger boat as a third person subject to the boater's approval. His weight is counted as a lone boater but the 1.25X rule does not apply. Fines or infractions for failure to make the above notifications will be at the discretion of the Tournament Committee after reviewing the facts. 

F. If a boater does not declare himself as a boater at drawing time, he must notify the Tournament Director before the tournament if his intentions change where he can now fish.  The Tournament Director will see if there is a non-boater, he can be matched with by order in which they joined the club.  The tournament director will put him at the end of the launch list and he will be the last to launch and now be responsible for reading off the launch positions.  And if it is a 2-day tournament, he will be last for both days and will not be able to reverse the order in his favor.  He will be responsible for delivering the launch positions according to the Tournament Directors Launch Sheet provided by the Tournament Director for both days.

G. On a weekend when we have a back-to-back tournament no boats will be able to fish the bays in which we launch on the 2nd day of the tournament.  The demarcation zone will be communicated at the time of launch by the Tournament Director or delegate in the event he can’t make the tournament. If anyone is found to be fishing in that area both boater and non-boater will be disqualified and only receive 10 points.


A.   On tournament day, the non-boater must pay the boater at least $35.00 to cover the cost of fuel and oil, etc. 

a.     On a single tournament day where travel is less than an hour to travel (I.E. Candlewood, Lillinonah, Lake Zoar, Twin Lakes, etc.), the non-boater must pay the boater at least $35.00 to cover the cost of fuel and oil, etc.

b.     On a single tournament day where travel is more than one hour away (I.E Mohawk River, Saratoga, etc.) the non-boater must pay the boater at least $50.00 to cover the cost of fuel and oil, etc.

c.     On a two-day tournament overnight, the non-boater must pay the boater at least $50.00 each day for a total of $100.00 for the two days to cover the cost of fuel and oil and wear and tear, etc.

B. The boat owner and non-boater will discuss on their own about boat operation, areas fished, equal time at the front of the boat, and any other matters for that day. 

C. Any member that is drawn as a Lone Boater and fishes as a Loan Boater will not be required to pay the $20.00 Tournament Entry Fee for that given tournament.

 D. If any member of the club does damage to a boat, it is the between the Boat owner and the member(s) involved to work out any damage payment or replacement.  The Black Rock Officers nor the Black Rock Bass Buster Inc., will not be responsible for working out any plan for payment or reparations due to damage.  Damage and reparations should be worked out in good faith between members affected.  


A.   An official tournament shall be any tournament that is fished for a least half of the pre-designated time. The Tournament Director may delay the start of a tournament or call off a tournament at any time he considers the weather or any other condition to be unsafe. 

B. We will schedule 12 tournaments each season with any total of ten tournaments counting towards year-end standings (TWO tournaments dropped.)  If for some reason we don’t get to fish 12 tournaments we will still drop 2 from the total of tournaments fished in a given year to determine year end standings. (I.E., 11 Fished, we use 9 for final standings).

C. The two-day tournament will be counted as TWO SEPARATE TOURNAMENTS for the season. Partners will stay the same, but boat numbers will be reversed for the second day.  

D.  Black Rock will allow the use of cell phones for communications between boats/anglers during tournaments.


A. Winners shall be determined by the pound and 1/100th pound weight of each contestant's catch up to a five (5) fish limit for the body of water fished that day.   

B. Only largemouth and smallmouth bass will count.   

C.  All legal fish will be weighed on a common scale, recorded and returned alive to the water.  All bass will be measured with their mouth closed and only bass that measure the official length or more measured on a flat board on the straight line will be weighed in. Each bass presented for weigh-in that fails to measure the official length will not be weighed in as part of. the competitor’s catch, plus each fish under the official length will accrue a ONE POUND penalty per fish.  This penalty shall be deducted from the total weight of the competitor.

 D. A bass, which is considered by the Tournament Committee to be dead, shall have its weight recorded LESS A 4-OUNCE PENALTY IN ALL CATEGORIES. The only exception to the mandatory release of tournament fish shall be for a largemouth over 6 pounds and a smallmouth over 5 pounds.  A dead fish is not eligible for Lunker Prizes or recognition.



A. In the event of a tie for a place, the number of legal fishes caught will break a tie. If a tie still exists, all money will be shared.   

B. Lunker ties will be shared. 


A. Contestants who are late for launch time MUST report to any other club boat on the lake and have their live well(s) checked BEFORE they begin fishing. Late arrivals that fail to follow the above procedures WILL BE DISQUALIFIED.   

B. Contestants who have not "bumped the dock" of the launch site or pulled up on shore at the stated finish time will be considered late. A penalty of ONE POUND PER MINUTE (or fraction of a minute thereof) will be deducted from the late contestant(s) catch up to a MAXIMUM OF 15 MINUTES, at which time the contestant(s) WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. They will be awarded 10 points. This will be determined by the Tournament Director’s observation.  

C. All culling of fish must be done in the water before letting your tournament partner off the boat or by Tournament end time whichever comes first.  No culling of dead fish is  allowed.  You must weigh all dead fish.  All dead fish must be taken home or disposed of away from the lake launch.  At no time shall any angler have more than 5 fish in possession at any time, if you have your limit and catch a 6th fish you must cull prior to your next cast.  If more than 5 fish are weighed in or observed on shore by any one angler, the member will be disqualified and receive “0” points.  The Tournament Director will bear TOTAL responsibility for determining disqualification for more than 5 fish per member.   


A. If an angler has an issue with another club member, he needs to make it clear to the other angler at the time of the issue with a verbal request (i.e. -fishing space – boat etiquette).  If the angler doesn’t respect your position, then you need to tell them that you will be bringing it to the tournament director after the tournament ends. Any grievance regarding a tournament must be made to the Tournament Director prior to leaving the tournament site.   

B.    The Tournament Director has the FINAL SAY on all grievances associated with a tournament.  His decisions will be based on findings from the Tournament Committee and his judgment on tournament matters. 


A. The tournament fee for this season will be THIRTY DOLLARS per person. The breakdown of the monies is as follows: 

Black Rock Club $5.00

1st Place $9.00   

Second Place $6.00 

Third Place $4.00 

Lunker $6.00

TOTAL $30.00 

B. It will be up to the non-boater to reimburse the boater for Lunker if he so chooses.

C. You can only get Lone Boater more than once only if all Boaters in the Draw have already fished with a partner.  

D. All tournament fees should be paid at the time of the tournament draw. If a contestant is not present to pay, then all outstanding tournament fees MUST BE PAID PRIOR TO THE NEXT TOURNAMENT DRAW or an arrangement must be made with the Treasurer that is acceptable to him.  However, all entry fees must be paid by the last tournament of the year (NO EXCEPTIONS!)  If monies are not paid by the last tournament, then that contestant CANNOT FISH until all monies due are cleared on the books by the Treasurer. Also, any monies owed to the club shall be deducted from any tournament winnings during the year.


A. YTD club standings are based on a points/weight system. For each tournament fished the order of finish in a tournament is based on weight. Points will be allotted for placing in a tournament, 50 points for 1st and reducing 1 point for each position after. 10 points will be allotted to each contestant for no fish caught.   

B. Trophy/Awards will be determined as follows:   

1. MR. BASS - Will be the member who is first in Adjusted Points of the counted club tournaments for the calendar year with two lowest drops.  

2. MR. LUNKER LMB/SMB - Will be the member who catches the heaviest Largemouth or Smallmouth  bass (in a club tournament) for the calendar year.        

3. 12 TOURNAMENT WINNERS – Will be the top Overall Winner of each of the 12 Club Tournaments.   


A. Failure to abide by these Tournament Rules may result in disqualification from a tournament(s) and year-end awards.   


A.    Any amendment to the By-Laws must FIRST be presented to the general membership at a sanctioned meeting for discussion and approval to be implemented.  Any Tournament Rules MUST first be presented to the Tournament Committee for consideration and then be brought before the general membership at the next club meeting. Any amendment(s), in order to become effective, must be approved by 1 more than 50% of the attending club members as announced prior to a vote at the next club monthly meeting.


A.   The 6 Man Team will be formed and comprised of anglers who finished in positions 1-6 the prior year as documented in the Adjusted Points Standings.  The top Angler known as AKA (Mr. Bass) will be the 6-man team captain and will be responsible for putting together the team members and arranging for the team’s trip which includes Hotel arrangements, Finalizing Boaters and Non-boaters and submitting the registration forms and monies to NYS Bass Federation.  If any top 6 anglers can’t make the trip, the captain will go down the list to the next eligible angler and replace any angler that can’t make it.  Any replacements must confirm with the captain in a reasonable amount of time set by the captain.  All 6-man team members will receive a 6-man team Shirt/Hat paid for by the club.  Also, any registration, hotel, gas, tolls and reasonable meal expenses will be paid by the club that comes out of the 50/50 Raffle Tickets sold each year.  To be a 6 Man Team member you must have turned in raffle tickets with the minimum of $110.00 collected to be eligible.  If no 6-man team is submitted the funds will be put towards Youth Day or another club event (i.e., Barbecue at Lake Champlain, etc.) 


Bylaws last reviewed and approved December 2024.